
What is Capitol AI?

Capitol AI brings together the best AI models in a simple UX to help you create high-quality content. We made Capitol AI for you. (Retool, more about creativity)

What are Credits?

Generating content on Capitol AI requires energy and resources to power the GPUs that run our system. We use credits to keep track of these resources - this is why you need credits to create on Capitol. When you create a Capitol AI account, you’ll receive some credits to begin creating with!

How do I get more Credits?

Capitol Pro subscribers receive 200,000 credits monthly! The best way to get credits is by subscribing. If you run out of credits, you can refer your friends to Capitol AI to get more! You can also wait until the following day and we’ll send you an email with more credits.


Capitol Pro is $10 a month, or $96 annually. With Capitol Pro, you unlock powerful features like private stories, enhanced image generation, faster speeds, and more! Sign up here to unlock the best Capitol AI has to offer.

If you need help

To get help with the product or your account, please visit our Discord or email support at [email protected]

An introduction to articles in Capitol AI

What are formats?

No matter what you want to create, Capitol AI has you covered with powerful formats:

How do I customize a format?

If you want to tweak any Format and make it just right, you just need to click on the customize icon. It’s right there next to the format you want to select, just click on the drop-down menu and customize your options. Easy!

How do I make a format?

Click on “Create your own format” in the format drop-down menu. Once you do that, you can start tweaking things like the writing style, the audience, the image style, and lots more. Give it a whirl and see how you like it!

How do I export my story as a PDF?

Made something incredible and want to share it? You can export any story in Capitol AI as a PDF! Select the three dots on the right-hand side below the title of your story, select download, and you’re done.

How can I add a new block to my story?

You’re in the middle of writing an academic article, and you want to add something new -, whether it’s expanding on a concept, posing a new question, or even tossing in that rainbow you’ve been thinking about. No problem! Click in the space below the block where you want to add it, and then prompt the remix dialogue. Before you know it, you’ll have your answer or that colorful rainbow brightening up your article.

How do I remix a block?

You just made an amazing article (or image, or summary) but it’s not quite amazing enough yet. Click the block you want to remix and Capitol AI will give you a list of ideas based on your content. You’re not limited to just those ideas - you can make anything with Capitol AI.

How do I make my story public or private?

You need to be a Capitol Pro subscriber to make your stories private. Click the eye icon in the Capitol prompt bar to access and adjust your privacy settings. Simple as that! Private stories are visible only to you, Public stories are searchable and appear in the story feed.

How can I add my own sources to a story?

Harness the power of the paperclip in the prompt area to incorporate various information sources into your creation. Whether it’s your own writing or an academic citation, Capitol AI will utilize it as a guide to shape your story.

How do I use the Article format?

Ready to level up your writing game? Once you’ve selected the Article format, write what you’d like Capitol AI to investigate for you in the prompt bar. You can fine-tune the length, tone, and source material used for the article by clicking the “edit” icon that appears when you hover over the Article format in the format menu. Once you’ve generated your article, you can edit it, and add images, graphs, and more!

How do I use the Academic format?

The Academic format is similar to the Article format but only uses peer-reviewed sources. Simply follow the same steps you would use to create something with the Article format!

How do I use the Summarize format?

Overwhelmed by an endless PDF or time to even skim a news article? Just upload a PDF or link into the Summarize format, and let Capitol AI do the work. You’ll get a concise, accurate summary of the document or link you uploaded. Simple. And just like our other formats, you can edit the tone and length of the summary, and what content it will contain.

How do I use the Slideshow format?

You’ve got a great idea. A really, really great idea. One so great, just plain text isn’t going to cut it. That’s where Slideshow Format comes in: not only will you get a whole story from a single prompt, you’ll get beautiful images to go with it as well. You can choose your image style, edit the tone of the story, and the length of the story too. Now sit back, relax, and watch that idea come to life.

How do I use the Image format?

With Capitol AI’s Image format, you’re in control. First, choose the style you’d like your image to be in from the style menu. Then, describe the image you want in the prompt bar - voila! Your image is ready. You can always remix your image, or change the style by clicking the image you made and fine-tuning it through our block-level editing feature.

How do I create a character?

Ready to spice up your story with a personal touch? Select the plus sign next to “create a character” and upload 3 to 5 clear face images. Add a name, a bio with details like eye and hair color, pick an image style, and you’re set! Let the storytelling fun begin!

How do I add a character to my story?

Want to make Albert Einstein an action movie hero? Just click on a character (they’re in the circles below our prompt bar) and they’ll appear in the story you create. Currently, we only support adding one character to a creation at a time, but we’re working on supporting more characters!

How do I contact someone at Capitol AI?

At Capitol AI, we value your input and strive to improve our services continuously. If you have any suggestions, feedback, or ideas you’d like to share with us, we’d love to hear from you! Simply send us an email at [email protected].

How do I cancel my Capitol Pro subscription?

We’re sorry to see you go! If you really wish to discontinue your Capitol Pro subscription, please open a help ticket and follow the instructions given to cancel the subscription. If you require additional assistance with canceling your subscription, please contact our support team at [email protected].

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